Starting anArchitecturalRevolution
Our Story
From the functionalbeauty of the glass curtain wall to the thoughtful use of light and space, Lever House is the ideal modern office
lever history
Viewsand Structure
The tower’s perpendicular position relative to Park Avenue creates unique sightlines from any position on each floor of Lever House
Lever House sparked a revolutionwith its pioneering green glass facade and orderly grid of stainless steel mullions.
“For years, businessmen vied with each other in the attempt to put up the tallest building in the city… Lever House has pointed the way for a new kind of competition to provide open spaces and a return to the human scale.”
The New Yorker, 1952
Lewis Mumford
“Lever House is a building of outstanding qualities, mechanical, aesthetic, human… and it has used to the full all the means now available for making a building comfortable, gracious, and handsome.”
The New Yorker, August 1952
Lewis Mumford